Qi gong, Taiji, Kung fu for Adults

Kung fu

Students at Dharma River are trained in a system that promotes health and longevity as well as becoming proficient in a highly effective system of self-defense. You will start by learning Kung Fu forms (sets) and techniques that open and stretch the body as well as condition the muscles, bones, and cardiovascular system.

Students learn to use their body to generate power through relaxation and fluidity rather than stiff muscular force. Emphasis is placed upon students working together as a community. Rather than attempting to out-compete one another, we strive to create a learning community. As a community, our main goals are to develop ourselves holistically in a manner that supports sustainable wellness for all as individuals and as responsible members of a martial arts family. Martial arts techniques and life practices are a mechanism by which we aim to accomplish this goal.


Students in the Taiji program at Dharma River are trained in a system that promotes health and longevity as well as a highly effective system of self-defense.  There are several wonderful benefits that come from the study of Taiji Quan.

Taiji can help improve balance, coordination, and general well- being.  Through practice, one massages the internal organs bringing them potential benefit.  The special breathing techniques of Taiji are quite effective in relieving stress and calming the mind and spirit.  Taiji is simultaneously a martial art that can bring practitioners a sense of confidence through providing the ability to competently defend one’s self when need be.

Qi Gong

There are innumerable styles of Qi gong.  Qi gong is a system of embodiment and movement based meditation that is also one of the five branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  The system of qi gong we offer  at Dharma River consists of a variety of practices organized into forms that are accessible and available to people of all abilities and ages.

To make it easier to pay for your classes, we have moved to a PayPal subscription-based payment process. Once you start your subscription, it will continue until you cancel it.

Qi gong, Taiji, Kung fu

Access to all the following classes that Paul teaches for adults.

Qi Gong
Monday – 12-1:00pm
Wednesday – 6:30-7:30am

Kung fu (All Ages)
Wednesday – 5:00-6:00pm and Advanced Class 7:00 – 8:00pm
Friday – 5:00-6:00pm

Wednesday – 6:00-7:00pm