January 2025
Tuesday Morning Zen Meditation at Dharma River
Zen meditation, zazen, is a physical and mental discipline in which we create a laboratory to study the self. Please join us for an hour of meditation. We will have two 40-minute silent sitting periods with 10-minutes of silent walking meditation (kinhin) in between. Please use the following link to join us each week: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/91653905613?pwd=aHZVMzhRTmJHMTVQZjF6Q3dkeTJhUT09 Meeting […]
Martial Arts/Kung Fu Training
These classes combine all of our students of all ages and abilities into one class structure. Students at Dharma River are trained in a system that promotes health and longevity as well as becoming proficient in a highly effective system of self-defense. Students start by learning Kung Fu forms (sets) and techniques that open and […]
Tai Chi Classes
Students in the Tai Chi program at Manitou Center are trained in a system that promotes health and longevity as well as a highly effective system of self-defense. There are several wonderful benefits that come from the study of Tai Chi Quan. Tai Chi can help improve balance, coordination, and general well being. Through practice, […]
Kung fu/ Qi gong
These classes combine all of our students of all ages and abilities into one class structure. Students at Dharma River are trained in a system that promotes health and longevity as well as becoming proficient in a highly effective system of self-defense. Students start by learning Kung Fu forms (sets) and techniques that open and […]
Zen Sutra Chanting Service
30-minute service prior to Sunday Zazen session.
Zazen – Zen Meditation
Zen meditation, Zazen, is a physical and mental discipline in which we create a laboratory to study the self. As in any laboratory, we eliminate variables or distractions by being still and sitting in silence. There are many forms of Zen meditation from following our breathing to the 8 levels of absorption (samadhi/ jhana), to […]
Qi Gong Movement and Meditation- live, online classes
As a practice, qi gong has existed in Chinese culture for thousands of years. It is a meditation practice, a practice of spiritual development, a holistic wellness system of exercise and a method of movement-based practice that helps to balance the mind, body, and spirit of the practitioner. Historically, these practices developed through Taoist and […]
Tuesday Morning Zen Meditation at Dharma River
Zen meditation, zazen, is a physical and mental discipline in which we create a laboratory to study the self. Please join us for an hour of meditation. We will have two 40-minute silent sitting periods with 10-minutes of silent walking meditation (kinhin) in between. Please use the following link to join us each week: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/91653905613?pwd=aHZVMzhRTmJHMTVQZjF6Q3dkeTJhUT09 Meeting […]
Martial Arts/Kung Fu Training
These classes combine all of our students of all ages and abilities into one class structure. Students at Dharma River are trained in a system that promotes health and longevity as well as becoming proficient in a highly effective system of self-defense. Students start by learning Kung Fu forms (sets) and techniques that open and […]
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